Friday, August 31, 2012

gtld forum .com business for sale! is for sale and will be in the upcoming october 8'th Traffic auction. This premium domain will be sold and could sell at an attractive price. If you are seeking to own a new forum or expand your existing forum to an exceptional new .com domain!! This is the time to act. Gtld domains in the .com extension are going to be an incredible force going forward. A huge landrush of over 1,000 extensions is coming and domainers now have an opportunity to invest in this incredible opportunity without having to buy an extension themselves. gtld .com domains are being heavily offered on the Traffic auction block
If you are reading this article you most certainly are interested in owning or developing a forum business. If this is the case we want to present to you what we feel is an exceptional opportunity to own a premium domain and not pay end user prices. Yes, you can own a premium .com gtld domain and don't pay end user pricing! By signing up for the traffic auction you are able to bid on domains such as at discount pricing. Domains are hand selected out of thousands of domains submitted to be included for this event. Reducing the domains auctioned to just the very best and most relevant for business on the internet. This years auction list is growing. Out of the first dozen selected their are three domains that cater to the future gtld market! 3 domains is a huge indication of where the internet is going., gtldattorney and are all on the auction block at no reserve. I'm focusing on the forum domain as part of this article, but each of these domains indicate that gtld oriented .com domains are going to be heavily searched by companies and business who are spending hundred of millions of dollars on these generic top level domain applications collectively.
Services related to new gtld domains are going to represent a significant business opportunity!
You have to be forward thinking and domainers who are successful along with smart business people are going to agree that .com will always remain a positive investment. This is the opportunity to capture a significant part of the search traffic for the gtld keyword in the .com channel. People may disagree with gtld's and how successful they are going to be. But this is a brand new market opportunity that is rare to find on the internet. Ricksblog explains the gtld opportunity in this blog post that describes the business opportunity of owning a 'gtld' .com domain The domain industry is going to be overwhelmed in the next year with the introduction of thousands of domains. Searches are going to significantly increase as people try to make their way in the new tidal wave of domain extensions being offered online. Business will scramble and domainers will be wondering what to invest in and registrars will want to attract business while advertising revenues related to gtld specific searches are going to be huge! Money will be spent on new gtld's and the upcoming 2012 traffic auction appears to be well ahead of the curve! This auction is shaping up to be one hell of an event!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Should gtld .com Domains be Your Next Domain Investment?

domainers are always looking for the next big thing to make money either by reselling their domains by flipping them in a few years or monetizing domains through constructing a web site, leads generating or product sales. Well, Rick Schwartz posted an interesting article concerning the beginning of a potentially large business in new gtld's that anyone can have access to. Obviously buying a new gtld itself is out of reach for the average domainer or even large domainers since costs of owning an extension would exceed 250k for sure. However, gtld .com domains such as, and hundreds others that you can even hand register are on the market for sale. Ricks blog posted that gtld's are an emerging niche and while thousands of companies are investing billions of dollars into new gtld extensions there is opportunity in gtld .com's!! He's right! by searching .com domains there are many great combinations of relevant keywords still available. Which means if you can figure out how to develop a gtld domain that caters to the 1000's of new extensions rolling out beginning next year you could have a winner. As usual some of the better ones have been purchased and are going to be available this October at the TRAFFIC 2012 live auction. Anyone can participate in remote bidding by phone, but make sure to register prior to the actual live event. There is most likely going to be some real values at this auction and the way it is shaping up it will be worth checking in and watching the fireworks as some of these domains are set extremely low at no reserve which will certainly help generate some active bidding. gtld domains are here and available for the taking for those with the vision to invest into what will be a multi billion dollar industry! It is anticipated that new gtld's are going to bring an extraordinary amount of money into the internet eco system which is going to greatly expand the internet naming system. It's a rare opportunity to invest.

Saturday, August 18, 2012 seeks a new owner at TRAFFIC 2012 live auction

Gtld's are taking center stage at this years 2012 TRAFFIC auction. It is no surprise that with the amount of discussion and speculation surrounding new gtld extensions that .com domain which are expected to grow in value in face of the coming gtld's will be where people will search for information on new gtld extensions. .Com domains are only increasing in value and many established domainers believe that new gtld's will only draw more domainers into the mix and considerably grow the industry including the .com channel of domains which by far is the most popular extension. If you take into consideration the thousands of advertising dollars that promote .com from business worldwide you can understand why .com will remain the superpower of the internet. Who will profit from owning gtld .com extensions such as If you either operate a domain forum or want to build a forum this would be an exceptional opportunity to buy this domain at most likely an exceptional value. As a developed forum website you are attracting an active social network of users that are a target audience for services related to new gtld's. Popular forums are in a unique position to have a captive audience of members that contribute to the content of the site. Forum technology has been increasing with multiple forum php scripts where one can be built relatively inexpensively considering the open source software out there. If you manage a forum, moderate a forum or have even considered operating your own forum this could be a unique opportunity for you. will be sold at TRAFFIC 2012 in a no reserve auction
The value is here and by going to the main traffic auction website you will be able to sign up in advance for remote phone bidding from your own home or office. You don't have to attend the show to bid on domains. There will most likely be no online bidding as this type of auction is for qualified bidders and runs at the speed of a live auction. Domains at traffic typically won't sell at end user pricing. You are almost guaranteed to buy domains at domain investor pricing as domainers will not pay the same as end users. The current domains listed indicate that this year will bring expetional domain values as many premium quality .com domains are being listed at low to no reserve! If you are interested in reading more on the gtld domain forum auction you are welcome otherwise we'll see you on October 8'th as the TRAFFIC auction will be live!!